
List of Updates

Launch of District-Level Climate Risk Assessment for India: Mapping Flood and Drought Risks Using IPCC Framework

13th December 2024

On 13th December 2024, IIT Guwahati, in collaboration with IIT Mandi and CSTEP Bengaluru, released the report titled “District-Level Climate Risk Assessment for India: Mapping Flood and Drought Risks Using the IPCC Framewo...

Enhancing Monitoring Systems for Disaster Preparedness and Effective Response- GLOF Risk Management

The Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC) in collaboration with the Sikkim State Government and the National Disaster Management Agency (NDMA), is supporting the establishment of an integrated early warning and response system (EWS) for GLOFs, with a focus on South Lhonak and Shako...

Training and field visit on Modelling Rock-Ice avalanches, Rockfalls, and Debris Flows, Uttarakhand.

Under the framework of the SCA-Himalayas project, a collaboration between the WSL Institute for Snow and Ice Avalanche SLF in Switzerland, the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is ongoing to model rock-ice avalanches in Uttarakhand...

India Water Week

IWRM plan for Bhagirathi Basin presented in the 8thIndia Water Week in New Delhi

The IWRM plan for Bhagirathi Basin developed under SDC’s SCA-Himalayas project was presented and disseminated in the 8th India Water Weekon17 September, 2024 in New Delhi. India Water W...

IWRM workshop

Final dissemination workshop on Developing a Glacio-Hydrological Model and IWRM Plan for Bhagirathi Basin

A multi-stakeholder workshop on ‘’Developing a Glacio-Hydrological Model and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Plan for Bhagirathi Basin, Uttarakha...

SAR Interferometry training for officials of NDMA and states

SDC organised an advanced 5-day hands-on training program (8-12 April 24) on application of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data for natural hazard and risk mapping as part of disaster management. The training was organized in collaboration with the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and S...

WSL/SLF mission on thermomechanical modelling of ice-rock avalanche in Uttarakhand

SDC, through its SCA-Himalayas project has been working to address the unique challenges faced by the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), a region susceptible to rock-ice avalanches, debris flow, rockfall, and snow avalanches.

As part of SCA-Himalayas project, a comprehensive study ...

GLOF Risk Assessment and Early Warning System in Sikkim

The design and implementation of a pioneering early warning system (EWS) for Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF) is an innovative and pioneering engagement in disaster risk management under the project "Strengthening State Strategies for Climate Action" ...

Training on "Glacio-Hydrological Modelling under a Changing Climate in the Himalayas" at CWC, New Delhi

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), in collaboration with the Central Water Commission (CWC), organised a training program on "Glacio-Hydrological Modelling under a Changing Climate in the Himalayas" from July 3rd to July 7th, 2023<...

Training Programme for Watershed Management Directorate, Uttarakhand on Springshed Management

As part of its SCA-Himalayas project, SDC along with project partner ICIMOD, ACWADAM and People Science Institute (PSI) is supporting springshed management initiatives in Uttarakhand. An important component of the project is capacity building of local ins...

Conference on Passive Solar Heated Houses in Ladakh (PSH)

In collaboration with HIAL, FHNW and TERI, a conference was organised on 6-7 August 2022 to share the findings of the work done on passive solar heating and research activities in Ladakh carried out with the support of SDC. The two days conference covered...

Workshop on "Building Design for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy integration in Buildings in Ladakh"

In collaboration with the UT Administration of Ladakh, SDC had organised a workshop on “Building Design for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy integration in Buildings in Ladakh” on 18 and 19 October 2022. The main aim of the workshop was to open ...

Six days hands-on Training of Trainers (TOT) on springshed management

With the objectives of institutional capacity building on springshed management in Sikkim, a hands-on Training of Trainers (TOT) on springshed management was organized under this program from 1 - 6 Dec, 2022 in Gangtok, Sikkim. The training was coordinate...

Partner's meet under Springshed management initiative

A Partner's review and planning meeting on the development and implementation of science based springshed management in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) was organised on 19- 20 December, 2022 in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The main objective was to review the...

National Symposium on Springshed Management at NERIWALM

Topic: SDC participated in the National Symposium on Springshed Management at NERIWALM, Assam

The National Symposium Cum Workshop on Springshed Management was organized by the North Eastern Regional Institute of Water and Land Manageme...

SDMA Conclave

The second regional conclave of SDMAs was held on 14 and 15 October, 2022 at Gangtok. The event was organized by Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority and National Disaster Management Authority. The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sikkim was the Chief Gu...

Integrated Water Resources Management in Uttarakhand

A training programme on “Integrated Water Resources Modelling under a Changing Climate in the Indian Himalayas” was organized by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), in collaboration with the Government of Uttarakhand from 21-24 November, 2022 at National Institute of Hydrolog...

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